Why Join JerseyPage.com
Easily Share Your Collection:
- Once you add a jersey or collection to jerseypage.com, simply copy and paste the URL to Facebook Groups, an email or any other website to share it.
- You can share individual jerseys, select jerseys (teams, players, leagues, etc..) or your entire collection. Use the filter tools to select what jerseys you wish to share, then copy and paste the URL anywhere to share the jerseys you choose.
Display the DETAILS of your Jerseys:
- Other websites just let you display photos. Jersey Page allows you to add all the details to each jersey.
- Looking for a specific team or player? Use the easy filters to search for specific Jerseys, Players, Teams, Leagues, etc.
Use Jersey Page ALONG WITH Facebook Groups:
- Share the link to your collection or individual jersey, and anyone can see the Photos and Full Details of your collection!
Get Organized:
- Organize your entire collection in your own, personal jersey database.
- Want to display and organize your collection, but don’t want others to contact you? No Problem! Jerseys can be listed anonymously so no one knows who owns it.
Instead of creating & maintaining your own webpage:
- No need to pay monthly fees or maintain an expensive website.
- If you want to keep your website and also be a part of JerseyPage.com – no problem. Just link your site to your listed jerseys.